How To Budget: A Student Guide To Financial Wellness

How To Budget: A Student Guide To Financial Wellness

Whether you’re going off to school for the first time, or heading back to finish your undergrad degree, there are a number of ways to stay financially responsible as you’re making one of the most important financial decisions of your life. The key to success is...
Online Learning: How to Keep Yourself Focused

Online Learning: How to Keep Yourself Focused

Online learning – the realm where work and leisure fight for dominance. In a world where you can roll out of bed to open your laptop 5 minutes before class starts, it can seem like classwork would be a breeze. Now, if you have developed an iron will that allows...
Dealing With COVID-19 and Going Fully Online

Dealing With COVID-19 and Going Fully Online

In light of COVID-19 challenges, many colleges and universities have been working hard to keep their students safe. As the year presses on and the pandemic continues, some schools have now re-configured a majority of their in-person classes in favor of online...
How to Work Your Professional Network During COVID

How to Work Your Professional Network During COVID

When you hear the word “networking,” a few things might come to mind – tradeshows and conventions full of handshakes and small talk – you know the drill. Well, these things are hard to come by nowadays with the COVID pandemic, the new normal and all of our...